Robmark Interactive has just recently launched a new website for a rather interesting client, BacterBasics. A division of Bacter Waste Solutions, LLC, the company employs a patented process for treating organic waste producers, such as grease trap waste, beverage makers, food processors, and dairy operations among others. Their process digests virtually all of the fats, oils and greases found in the waste stream and treats the water to acceptable Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) standards. As we know from our own kitchens, pouring grease down your sink can clog it. Imagine, then, what the amount of grease that comes from a fast food restaurant could do to our city water system. That’s where BacterBasics comes in. Robmark Interactive built a site that is clean, user-friendly and informative and includes facts about who they are, their patented process and who they help. Check out a screenshot below and visit!