Why You Should Forget Your Phone

We usually try and blog about topics related to our industries, clients and company, and while this isn’t totally related, it was thought-provoking enough to share. If you have never taken the time to think about how much we use our cell phones today, this will...

14 Cringeworthy Typos

Ahhh typos. Little errors that can completely and totally ruin your credibility and are downright embarrassing. We’ve all been there, but for these national and international companies and organizations, some are more noticeable than others. Take a look at...

April Fool’s Pranks From Around the Web

As we’re sure you’re all well aware, today is April 1 and April Fool’s Day for many pranksters. It’s definitely a challenge to pull off an original prank (we’re looking at you, fake engagements on Facebook) and several companies pulled...

LG Is Scary Clever

To show off it’s "life-like" screen, LG transformed the floor of an elevator into a scary scene using its new monitor screens, just in time for Halloween. Luckily for us, they taped everyone’s reactions. We can’t decide if this is brilliant...