Apple Announces New Operating System

Apple senior executives took the stage yesterday at the Worldwide Developer Conference and revealed a whole slew of updates and product innovations. Highlights included a new line of MacBook Airs, a new operating system called OS X Maverick for desktop as well as new...

Zuckerberg Launches “Facebook Home”

Rumors had been swirling for weeks in anticipation of the new “Facebook Phone” announcement. However, techies across the nation were less than enthused yesterday as Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook Home, a homescreen replacement for Android phones...

Google Presents 2012 in Review

If you haven’t seen it yet, Google has released its Zeitgeist for 2012. In it, you’ll find the top searches and trends of the year, with a really cool video to boot. Major events include Whitney Houston’s untimely death, Jeremy Lin’s rise to...

“Mobile Thursday” is the New Black Friday

Interesting infographic from Digitas posted by our friends at Mashable today. For those looking to get a head start on their Black Friday shopping, it appears that they are turning to their mobiles phones to shop on Thanksgiving. "Mobile Thursday" will see...