In honor of the recently resigned Apple founder Steve Jobs, today is apparently “Dress Up Like Steve Jobs Day”. For those of you wondering what the heck that means, it’s pretty simple actually. Black, long sleeved mock turtleneck. Blue jeans. White tennis shoes. If you want to be really authentic you’ll wear a black, long-sleeve cashmere and silk mock turtleneck, Levi’s 501 jeans, and gray New Balance sneakers (style #992), but that will run you about $400. When you’re Steve Jobs, that’s equivalent to the coins found in between your couch cushions. Jobs made this “outfit” famous through his many announcements and conferences. While everyone else showed up in suits and ties drooling at every word the tech mogul had to say, Jobs played it cool and casual. The “Dress Up Like Steve Jobs” event is sponsored by iPhone Life Magazine who have invited all participants to send in pictures of their best Steve Jobs looks. Don’t forget the gray hair and wire-rim glasses. Who knows – maybe you’ll channel your inner billionaire.
Steve Jobs gives new meaning to the phrase "looking like a million bucks."