Attention Internet Explorer 6 users (what’s left of you anyways)! As of January, you will no longer be able to use Internet Explorer 6…and you don’t have a choice. Microsoft has announced that they have begun an official countdown to the death of IE6 that will force all IE6 users to upgrade to a more up-to-date browser this coming January. What does this mean for you? According to CNET, “Windows XP users on Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 will be upgraded to version 8, and Windows Vista users will be pushed up the stairs to Internet Explorer 9. IE9 doesn’t work on Windows XP.” As websites and browsing become increasingly savvy, IE6 has trouble supporting these new technologies. Between that and the numerous security issues prevalent in the older browsers, Microsoft has put its figurative foot down and will require all IE6 users to upgrade, an unprecedented move for a company that doesn’t market their browser updates heavily. Interestingly, “less than 1 percent of northern Europe uses IE6, but more than 23.6 percent of China does, and worldwide percentage stands at around 8.3 percent,” so this will only affect a small minority of Internet users. Luckily, Microsoft plans to make this transition as seamless as possible for those affected. Read the entire CNET article here.