Hi all! Boy does time fly. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Tis the season for copious amounts of food, spending time with loved ones, and the Savannah River Bridge Run. If you live in Savannah, you might have heard of the annual Enmark Savannah River Bridge Run, that takes place at the beginning of December. If you haven’t, let me give you a short overview. Thousands of participants across the U.S. from running enthusiasts to anyone looking for a little adventure flock to Savannah for the 10k Run, 5k Walk/Run, Double-Pump Race, Team Challenge, Double-Pump Team Challenge or ¼ mile kids run across Savannah’s Talmadge Bridge. The bridge spans 1.4 miles and 196 feet high while overlooking the beautiful Savannah skyline and Savannah River. As a Savannah native who still gets a little scared driving over the Talmadge, crossing this bridge on foot sounds like pure fun. And what’s a race without an after-party? The Bridge Run holds one of the finest with food, refreshments, music and more. Need more convincing? The Bridge Run proceeds benefit the Cancer Care Research Pavilion at St. Joseph’s/Candler.
This year’s race will be held in a little less than a month on December 5th, 2009. Preparations for the race are well underway including the annual poster/t-shirt design contest in collaboration with the SCAD Graphic Design, Advertising and Illustration Departments. The SCAD students are immensely gifted and choosing a winner is always difficult. Congratulations to this year’s winner, Giselle Herrera for her fabulous design below. Her winning design will be placed on t-shirts and posters and will be animated in a TV commercial by SCAD animation students. The commercial will run locally on WTOC-TV.
If you’d like to participate in this year’s race, there is still time to register. Online registration is super simple, and is only $30 between now and December 3rd. You can read all the race details and see a detailed map of the race at their newly launched website, www.savannahriverbridgerun.com and register here. We hope to see everyone there!
As always, Happy Friday! Have a safe and wonderful weekend!