Attention Facebook Administrators! You may have noticed a rather drastic change on your business page this week. You are used to seeing the “use Facebook as page” button in the top right hand corner, however, this week it disappeared! This has made it difficult to have your page engage with other pages, such as liking, commenting, or sharing another page’s post. But never fear, there is still a way! 

On your business’s page, in the left hand column there is now a section called “See Pages Feed.” 
Clicking here will lead you to a new feed of all the pages you follow. But what if you want to like new pages? Don’t worry! At the very top of this feed there is a big green button that says “Like Other Pages.” Type in the page you want your page to like and click save. Or, at the very top of the page, next to where is says “share,” the three little dots lead to a drop down menu with the option to “Like As Your Page.” Simply select the business page you would like to use and click save.
This change means it’s more important than ever before to pay close attention to your actions on Facebook, because the top banner shows your personal account, even though you may be on a page you manage. You will also have the option to choose which account you like or comment as by selecting a different icon on the post. For example, while on a page you manage, by changing the icon back to your personal account, you can comment or like that page’s post as you personally, and not as the page.