The social media world is ever-changing, and the challenge isn’t just keeping up. It’s staying ahead of the game. That means knowing what the upcoming trends will be before they are trends. Luckily for us, several articles have already been released, including this one, that highlight what to expect in 2012 for social media. It’s a great read. Here are a few things that stuck out to us:
1. Social commerce – For a society that is so seemingly consumed with privacy, it’s almost scary to think that you will be able to enter your credit card information to purchase merchandise…through social media channels.
2. ROI – It’s probably the most challenging aspect of social media marketing. What is the return on investment from a Facebook post? It appears that this will be an extreme focus in 2012.
3. Rewarding social interaction – At Robmark Interactive, it is our belief that you need to give your customers a reason to follow you on social media platforms. Whether it’s discounts, coupons, contests with prizes, etc., it needs to be something that they can’t get anywhere else. 2012 looks to be the year where retailers really tie-in social and face-to-face interaction within their stores to reward buying behaviors.