RobMark’s Vice President, Katey LeZotte, recently spoke with Savannah CEO about omnichannel marketing strategies utilizing first-party data. Dive into more information about what first-party data is, why it matters, and how your business can effectively collect and use it. If you’d like to watch her full interview, visit Savannah CEO’s website here

What Is First-Party Data?

First-party data is information collected directly from your customers or your audience via your own channels. This is different from third-party data, which is data that is aggregated from multiple sources. First-party data can include information like demographics, location, or survey responses. When an audience has consented to their data being used, companies utilizing first-party data will likely see a lower amount of spam reports or negative marketing feedback. Additionally, using first-party data increases trust and loyalty to brands respecting consumer information. 

Why Is It Important?

Consumers have become more informed about how companies use their data and more concerned about their privacy online. There are increasing amounts of policies and laws regarding privacy and data protection to keep consumers protected. This is why it is critical for companies to have a first-party data-driven strategy in place. As policies change, your company can be prepared and stay on track with existing ethical collection processes.

How to Collect First-Party Data

Companies can acquire first-party data directly from their audience through e-newsletter sign-ups, surveys, subscriptions, online chats, website forms, and customer feedback. The common belief is that consumers are resistant to sharing their information; however, consumers are willing to share when it gives them a more valuable experience. For example, a way to incentivize email sign-ups could include discounts or special promotions. A company could also use items with value, like an informational, downloadable PDF, to encourage data input. 

How to Use First-Party Data

Once first-party data is collected, it’s paramount to be transparent about how consumer data will then be used. Transparency gains trust with an audience and you are expected to protect any data provided. Ways to utilize first-party data that benefit both businesses and consumers are better personalization, improved user experience, specific targeting and retargeting options, segmentation, and building quality lookalike audiences. 

Data can be an incredible asset to your business strategy if collected ethically and effectively managed. Are you looking for help developing a first-party data strategy or marketing plan? Reach out to our team at RobMark! We can create a customized plan based on your business’ needs.